Worldox and Microsoft Teams - a 3-minute overview of features and functions.

#microsoftteams training Mar 08, 2021

Prince Phillip and your grandmother are both comfortable using Zoom - something they had never heard of just over a year ago.  There has been massive growth in adoption of Zoom.  A similar path is now being followed by Microsoft Teams.  As with Zoom it has been around for a while but almost no-one was using it.  That is rapidly changing and it is very likely that in a year Microsoft Teams will be ubiquitous in the business setting.

Worldox have released their new integration with Teams and we have been using this integration successfully for several months.  Now is the time for individuals and firms to get up to speed on the capabilities of Teams and how it can fit into your Document Management strategy.

This video gives you a quick 3-minute overview of all the functions in the integration.  IIf you would like to go deeper you should really spend the few dollars to purchase our Worldox to Microsoft Teams course by clicking here.

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